Keep Athens Beautiful!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Keep Athens-Clarke County BeautifulHelp to Keep Athens-Clarke County Clean and Beautiful
4 donors
raised $155
10 donor goal
The KACCB Board of Directors continues to raise funds each year for the Loop 10 Daffodil and Tree Planting Project, as well as a many environmental education and community improvement initiatives. Collaborating with many state and local partners, KACCB’s long-term goal is to truly impact the health and beauty of the Athens community. Help us reach this goal by becoming a KACCB member!
Your financial support will allow us to continue providing innovative outreach programs to schools, local community members, and area businesses. Funds raised help us complete community projects like the daffodil and crape myrtle plantings on the loop, the tons of trash and recycling collected during Rivers Alive, and the grants we award to area teachers, nonprofits, and churches for green projects. KACCB administers more than 20 environmental outreach programs. We have been nationally recognized for public awareness campaigns, like the “Cigarette Fairy” and “Seriously…y’all still litter” as well as for our creative fundraising projects, like the Dirty Dance Party and our Green School partnership.
KACCB is working hard to make a difference in our community. We truly believe that beauty is a silent but powerful force that makes communities safer, healthier, and more livable.