Ocean Scientist Training in Developing Countries
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research$525
raised by 6 people
$2,500 goal
6 SCOR Visiting Scholars Selected for 2019
Six SCOR Visiting Scholars were selected for 2019, so we reduced our goal to $2500. Thank you to all who have donated already and thanks in advance to those who will be donating soon. Information about the successful applicants will be given in the next SCOR Newsletter.
The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) began its Visiting Scholars program in 2009 and has since sent 33 Visiting Scholars to 18 developing countries in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Central and South America to teach and mentor on topics of ocean science. We have funding from other sources to support 5 Visiting Scholars in 2019, but we received many more good applications and are seeking funding to support two additional Visiting Scholars.
The Visiting Scholars program is a cost-effective approach for experienced scientists to transfer knowledge and skills to young scientists in developing countries in specialized areas of ocean science. Host institutions are partners in this process, by providing local support (lodging and other in-kind contributions) during the Visiting Scholars' visits.
Surveys of Visiting Scholars, host institutions, and trainees have indicated that this program is useful for trainees, appreciated by host institutions, and lead to enhancement of networks between scientists from developed and developing countries.