YWCA Vermont Camp Hochelaga

A nonprofit organization

5 donors

Our Mission

YWCA Vermont is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.

Who We Are

Established in 1919, YWCA Vermont has been a voice for change dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, and freedom for nearly 100 years. YWCA Vermont envisions vibrant, equitable and connected communities where women and girls thrive with access to opportunities for education, wellness, growth and leadership. Throughout all our programs, we ensure women and girls learn about healthy lifestyle choices, explore the intersection of race and gender, and nurture environmental stewards and life-long learners. Our work is funded by our generous donors, Camp Hochelaga, our anchor program, grants, in-kind donations and amazing volunteers. We collaborate with partner organizations across Vermont to advocate for policy and systems change that will advance our mission and vision.

What We Do

Our anchor program is Camp Hochelaga, located on the scenic shores of Lake Champlain in South Hero, 30 minutes from Burlington, VT. Camp Hochelaga is a safe haven for 600-800 girls each summer from all over Vermont and the world, ages 6-17. Camp Hochelaga is an American Camp Association accredited camp and provides residential and day camp programs that offer opportunities to explore a wide range of activities intended to build character, self-esteem, self-confidence, and leadership.

In addition to camp, we are proud to join our sister YWCA’s in organizing the annual Stand Against Racism and Week Without Violence campaigns, host a holistic women’s retreat weekend, promote young leaders in STEAM topics with our Leaders on the Lake programs, and attend and facilitate forums and events on race and gender discrimination.  Learn how you can get involved with YWCA Vermont today.

Organization Data


Organization name

YWCA Vermont Camp Hochelaga

Tax id (EIN)



Children & Family Community Volunteer




(802) 862-7520