Doin’ Good - Social Enterprise
$395 Raised
Our mission is to equip next-generation leadership to contribute to the economic, physical and spiritual welfare of San Joaquin Valley communities.
We are passionate about utilizing the assets of our faith community to address our valley’s deepest economic, social and spiritual challenges.
A story: Imagine a community where people of good faith and good will partner together tilling the ground for the economic, physical and spiritual well-being of their region. Where the harvest was plentiful and the workers were well equipped to care for their own landscape. Workers that were ready and confident to do the work their region needed to be done.
Yet, what if in that, the workers realized that no matter their effort, the ground was too hard to sow.
The reality in our economy is the opposite. People of good will and good faith often do not work together. The harvest is sometimes barren, but the potential is there. The workers at the same time are not always ready for this work but have the best of intentions accomplishing this work. This is the narrative we have set out to rewrite. This is the story that we want to invite you into.
The CCT at Fresno Pacific University continues to be a great asset to the Central Valley. In only its fifth year of operation, you can clearly see the CCT’s footprint up and down the Valley highlighting exciting change and growth. The CCT has now:
- Sparked 38 Social Enterprises (businesses that address a social issue) into existence, through the CCT’s Spark Tank Pitch Fest.
- Trained over 70 Spanish-speaking leaders through our Certificate for Latino Leadership program, which is the only leadership certificate program delivered all in Spanish from an Accredited Institution in the Valley.
- Equipped 30+ non-profits and congregations to have the ability to lead financial literacy workshops to some of their most financially vulnerable members. Read more here.
We also partner with other institutions to tackle: human-trafficking, unemployment & job-readiness training, City Summit,
-Even more are covered here:
Over the past 5 years, we have not been able to do this alone. Because of the partnerships with community members like you, we have been able to accomplish so much. Yet, we want to go even further and deeper to bring real, tangible change in the economic, social, spiritual and welfare of our region.
Organization name
Center for Community Transformation
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Economic Development