2024 Peru Missions Trip
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Grace FellowshipThanks for joining me as our team prepares to travel to Peru and help serve with Hearts in Action!
raised by 3 people
$1,250 goal
If you'd like to help support me financially for this trip, using this page is an easy way to do so!
About 15 people from Grace Fellowship Church, including my parents and my brother, will be traveling to Lima, Peru to help serve our partners with Hearts In Action (HIA). Our group will be there from October 18th to October 26. HIA Peru's primary ministry efforts focus on outreach to youth in the poor squatters’ villages surrounding the city, and we will be helping to facilitate in-house kids programs, traveling to several schools and hospitals for outreach events and evangelism, and going door to door in groups to distribute needed materials and supplies to tangibly care for the surrounding neighborhoods.
We’ll be working with translators, but I’m very hopeful to put some of my Spanish practice into use (and likely be humbled by the challenge) as we connect with the kids and families of the community. Our team will also take some time to visit key landmarks of Lima as we learn more about the history and culture of the Peruvian people.
I'm excited that you're willing to come alongside me in this journey and I'm looking forward to sharing with you what I learn from the trip and how I see God working. Thank you for believing in the mission of this trip, encouraging our partners by helping to send our team, and ultimately helping to care for the people we connect with.