EBHS 2020 #GivingTuesday

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Elmbrook Humane Society, Inc.
Fundraiser image


raised by 161 people

$10,000 goal

Elmbrook Humane Society (EBHS)  invites you to partner with us again as we celebrate #Giving Tuesday 2020

On this day of national giving nestled amidst the excitement of cyber-Monday and holiday celebrations, we invite you to 'paws' and contemplate the good you can do right now to help homeless animals in your community.

Please donate to EBHS and help save an animal's life this holiday season.

This year every #GivingTuesday donation will be matched (up to $5,000), 

so your generosity will go twice as far!

Help us find more loving homes for our animals yet this year by giving:

$250-provides medical care to treat an upper respiratory infection for 10 animals

$100-treats three animals for ear infections 

$50-provides spay/neuter surgery for a cat or dog

$30-covers a medical assessment and wellness vaccines for an animal

Donate today, and visit ebhs.org to find your new furry friend for life!

Giving Activity


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