United We Howl - Support American Red Wolves

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Endangered Wolf Center
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Help us raise $6,000 to support the most endangered wolf in the world – the American Red Wolf.


raised by 34 people

$6,000 goal

The Endangered Wolf Center is honored to host the American Red Wolf SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction) Meeting this July, uniting wildlife managers, biologists, and zoo professionals from around the nation to advance conservation initiatives for American Red Wolves, both in managed care and their natural habitats.

Despite their crucial role in ecosystem dynamics, Red Wolves face shockingly low numbers due to human impact, habitat loss, and lack of awareness and understanding. 

As authorities in conservation and education for wolves, we have a responsibility to press onward in our mission, implement new strategies, and collaborate with our partners to ensure this species’ survival.

Organizing and hosting such a conference is a huge undertaking, and we need your help to make it a success. Help us kickoff our Summer Fundraiser, United We Howl, on Give STL Day! 

Your gift will:

- Support the American Red Wolf SAFE Meeting

- Help us bolster genetic diversity for Red Wolves through innovative technology and conservation techniques

- Help our Animal Care team conduct veterinary exams for our 16 resident Red Wolves

Please join our efforts to save this iconic, all-American wolf by making a donation toward our goal today. Your generosity helps preserve and protect American Red Wolves and keeps the heart of the wild beating.

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