Scholarship Award Banquet

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Guyana Association of Georgia Inc
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Goal: To formally recognize and officially award the recipients and outstanding sponsors & community


raised by 0 people

$20,000 goal

OUR EDUCATION PROGRAM also includes an annual day-long Youth Symposium for middle and high school children in the summer. The event exposes children to community leaders and distinguished professionals who advise them on career choices, consequences of personal choices; responsibility of citizenship; an engages them in cultural activities.


Our Tutoring program provides assistance to local K-12 children in the areas of mathematics, Language Arts and Science . The GAOG Secretariat building houses  a computer laboratory and two class rooms that are made available to accommodate up to 40 students for tutoring on Saturdays.  Instructors are familiar with current methods of instruction being offered to K-12 students in area schools. We provide a learning environment to supplement routine work and preparation for Standard Tests and SAT exams.

Goal:  To enroll 30 students, and recruit four instructors on a volunteer or stipend basis to provide instructional assistance in STEM subjects, Language Arts and Computer Coding. Also, to secure through sponsorship at least 4 computer tablets to fill gaps in student needs.

Funding Budget:  Your sponsorship will enable us to build capacity and diversify our funding sources. You may even specify whether you wish to allocate your contribution to any specific education program. We also host a number of special events throughout the year to supplement funding. The annual Tea-Party, pot-luck, and similar social events are all used to engage member volunteers and add to our funding.  We are planning a 2022 expense budget of $85,000.00.

Giving Activity


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