Tractor for a village_ Oxen for a Farmer
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Wonfel Aid Inc$31,595
raised by 81 people
$150,000 goal
Mai-Kadra Framers Update
“Tractor for a Village” is one of the sustainable projects initiated with $30,000 of your donation to Amhara Emergency Fund. The team joined forces with Team Taytu ጣይቱ in Oakland and:
1. Delivered two Tractors to a village in Kobo and Mai-Kadra, provided seed, fertilizer, harvesting machine to Mai-Kadra, and helped more than ~250-300 families.
2. The farmers in Mai-Kadra reported harvesting 1,000 quintal ( 100 metric ton) sesame and 1,500 quintal (150 metric ton) mug bean (green gram or maash) with estimated value of 0.5 million USD.
3. The team raised additional ~$102,000 on Twitter and in the process of delivering additional 4 tractors to more villages.
Tractor for a village ትራክተር ለመንደር
A typical story of a displaced mother
As she was looking around with loss, grief and disbelief while carrying her baby, her family members who were killed by the gunmen surfaced to her mind. Her entire village burnt, no property left, no cattle around, nothing left except ashes and crumpled walls. She couldn't cry because she didn't want her baby to see her sadness. So, she twisted her face sideways and cried for hours, in silence, again!
This is where your generous donation flips her story.
Over the course of the war in northern Ethiopia, thousands of domestic livestock have been killed, shattering the only livelihood rural farmers depend on. This rehabilitation project aims to provide:
A tractor for a village. This project benefits farmers who reside and own a land in close proximity and topography convenient for sharing a tractor. A single tractor, depending on size and horsepower will support more than 200 farmers and increases their productivity several folds. The average cost of a 80hp tractor is ~ $31,000 USD.
The first tractor was delivered to a village in Kobo, Kebele 01. Farmers who lost their oxen and women whose husbands were killed during the war are organized to participate in this model project. Nearly 160 families are organized to participate on Kobo site.
The 2nd round of tractors were delivered to villages in Humera, Mai-Kadra and Redem Kebele. In this project 204 farmers who lost everything during the war are identified and organized to participate in the project.
- Each community were provided with 80 horsepower tractor, accessories, trainer to help them run the tractor for a year. The tractors are expected to cultivate more than 100 hectares of farmland.
- The village in Mai-Kadra have produced 1,000 quintal Seasem and 1,500 mung beans. They also received harvest in matching for the mung beans.
- The team has raised additional funding of $100,000 on Twitter space and in the process of purchasing 4 more tractors and identified 4 additional villages.
*Tractor for a village _ ትራክተር ለመንደር በእርስዎ መልካም ፈቃድ እውን የሚሆኑ የስራ እቅዶች ናቸው ። የእርስዎ ልግስና ለቤተሰቡ አባላት ሁሉ የሚዳረስ ነውና በገንዘብዎ ልግስ የሚታይ ስራን ይስሩ ፣ ስምዎንም ለሁልጊዜው ያስጠሩ ፣ ለትጉሀን የአማራ ገበሬዎች የክፉ ቀን ደራሽ ይሁኑ ።
ከልብ እናመሰግናለን !
Giving Activity
Megan Kitto gave $50.00 dedicated to Trey Chenier and Eden Gebretsadik
1 year ago
Brian Whetter gave $50.00 dedicated to Trey Chenier and Eden Gebretsadik
1 year ago
Selamawit Dimetros gave $1,100.00 in honor of For newly weds Eden & Tray, fromEden & Tray newly wed. From fiendss: Huluager/Yonas, Sin...
2 years ago
Demiana Efrem gave $100.00 dedicated to Trey & Eden
2 years ago
Deana Rhodes gave $50.00 in honor of Trey and Eden Chenier
2 years ago
Harsha Nalluri gave $50.00
2 years ago
Anonymous gave $100.00
2 years ago
Feven Abebe gave $100.00
2 years ago
Eyob Kassa gave $25.00
2 years ago
Amanshwa Takele gave $25.00
2 years ago