Support Springfield No One Leaves!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Peace Development Fund IncSupport Springfield No One Leave's Crowdfunding Campaign as part of Grassroots Funding Week
raised by 5 people
$1,000 goal
Grassroots Fundraiser for Springfield No One Leaves
Springfield No One Leaves is a grassroots member-led community organization. Our mission is to organize residents most directly impacted by the housing crisis and economic inequality to build collective power, defend against displacement, and win long-term community ownership and control over land and housing.
Springfield No One Leaves has received a Community Organizing Grant from the Peace Development Fund and all of the money raised from this fundraiser will be added to that grant to help support their organizing in 2021. Please consider making a contribution today to support them and read more about their work below.
Massachusetts was facing a housing crisis prior to the global pandemic especially in Western Massachusetts where we never fully recovered from the 2008 crisis. These problems have been further exasperated by the pandemic and brought to the forefront as thousands of residents face displacement across the country and in Massachusetts. Many tenants, homeowners, and small landlords will be fighting to keep their housing through the pandemic and the recovery especially in gateway cities like Springfield who have unemployment rates well above the state and national average.
SNOL/NSM seeks $3000 to support our Bank Tenant Organizing Campaign to help meet the needs of low-income/working-class homeowners and small landlords struggling to make their mortgage payments, support for our Springfield Tenant Organizing Project(STOP) to organize low-income/working-class tenants in Springfield and Western Mass, and support for our Movement Leaders Academy to develop new leaders within the organization brought in by the major displacement crisis that we are facing.
Springfield No One Leaves is a participant in Grassroots Funding Week, a week-long crowdfunding campaign that supports several social justice organizations from across the country.
Click on the links below to read about other organizations participating in Grassroots Funding Week.
Monday: We Want Justice, Not More Jails!
Change Comes Now - Lake Park, Florida
Decarcerate, Inc - Little Rock, Arkansas
Human Rights Coalition - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tuesday: Housing is a Human Right
Springfield No One Leaves - Springfield, Massachusetts
Fund for Empowerment - Phoenix, Arizona
Massachusetts Alliance Against Predatory Lending - Worcester, Massachusetts
Wednesday: Healing Our Communities and Our Land
Communities for Clean Water - Taos, New Mexico
Whiteswan Environmental - Bellingham, Washington
Coal River Mountain Watch - Naoma, West Virginia
Thursday: Intersectionality is Our Power
NNLB United - New York, New York
Who Speaks for Me - Washington, D.C.
Detroit Area Youth Uniting Michigan - Detroit, Michigan
Friday: Economic Justice For All
Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights - Olympia, Washington
Haymarket Pole Collective - Portland, Oregon
For more information, visit:
The Peace Development Fund works to build the capacity of community-based organizations through grants, training and other resources as partners in human rights and social justice movements.