New Stewardship Truck For Volunteers!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Friends of Nevada Wilderness
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Help Friends get a new stewardship truck so we can bring more volunteers out to projects in 2020!


raised by 0 people

$17,000 goal

**All funds matched 100% up to $17,000 by the sale of our old stewardship truck**

Help Friends of Nevada Wilderness purchase a new stewardship truck!  We are in  need of a crew cab truck to take volunteers and gear to project sites in the backcountry. In the past, we have relied heavily on expensive rental vehicles to bring equipment and volunteers out on projects when volunteers cannot take their own passenger vehicles. Owning a reliable crew cab work truck will help us save money and increase our stewardship capacity by transporting an additional 5 volunteers to project sites. Be a part of the boots on the ground effort to protect and heal our public lands! Make a donation today and your dollars will be matched 100% (up to $17,000!).

As we gear up for yet another busy season of stewarding our public lands, your support is more important than ever. With your help, we will bring hundreds of stewardship volunteers into the field for thousands of hours of volunteer work. Help more volunteers reach the backcountry with your donation. Together, we can make a difference for Wild Nevada!

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