Help Carrie End the Stalking

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Funds to Help Carrie Stopped Being Stalked


raised by 60 people

$20,000 goal

2 years left

Carrie's Stalking Story

I . AM. FIERCE!I met my stalker online in the Spring of 2022 but we didn't meet in-person until October 1st for the purpose of possibly moving forward in a relationship - of course I had no idea he was a stalker at that time or I would've never met him. 

Our second in-person meeting was then on October 8th and both times he drove to my area as I was healing from a compound fracture from a traumatic ATV accident. When we decided to meet up it was still challenging to walk at that stage and I was only able to drive short distances but since he mentioned that he had been engaged to a woman who had lived in my County he was familiar with the area and happy to come my way.

After meeting the second time, I ended things as something seemed off. He immediately started crying, stating he was done with women and drove away erratically. After that, calls and texts were relentless and after asking multiple times for him to stop contacting me, I had to block him on my cell phone and social media. 

Two and 1/2 weeks later, on October 26th I received a call from an untraceable number leaving a threatening voicemail, stating “All I’m going to say is one thing, big mistake, big mistake for messing with me and getting my account disabled, paybacks a bitch and you’ll get it.” 

As you can imagine this made me feel distressed, and fearful for my safety and so I reported the voicemail to the Police. I then discovered a text message after I blocked him that came up on iMessage where he wrote and I quote, “I hope you die bitch.” This was frightening & distressing thinking that someone would wish I would die. I then reported the text to the police, at which time 2 misdemeanor harassment charges were issued on October 31.

Due to these threats, and the tone in these messages it caused anxiety for my safety as it was hard enough to walk from my accident, I couldn’t imagine someone coming after me, as I would have no way to defend myself, so at that point I filed a PFA. I attended Court hearings 3 weeks in a row where the Defendant never showed up despite confirming he’d been served the temporary PFA by the Police. Thankfully the PFA was granted for 3 years due to the evidence of the incidents I had experienced.

I feared for my safety because of the unpredictable behavior of this man as the day he was charged an erratic driver showed up at my work parking lot and since then, my cell phones (yes with an “s” - I'm on my 4th cell phone now), social media & other online accounts have been hacked more times than I can count. Security cameras & WIFI which were installed for my protection, were constantly being shut down at my house. After shutting them off due to the endless amounts of calls to the vendors, who told me they’ve never seen anything like what I’ve been experiencing, my house was then a target where things were messed with inside, despite it not looking like a “break-in.”  So the Police could not do anything about it.

In my 25 plus years of being online, using cell phones, and having personal accounts, not once in all of those years have I been hacked nor had someone break into my home. I can’t help but believe, this was the “payback” I was promised. The actions of this Stalker greatly affected my life. Since these crimes occurred, I have been on high alert going out of my home & to my place of work, anxious someone is going to hurt me or come into my home. 

As you can imagine someone violating our home, which is supposed to be a safe space, is beyond emotionally distressing. These crimes also had a deep financial impact as I’ve had to find ways of protecting myself through an unheard-of number of hours correcting online accounts, talking with vendors as to why my services keep shutting down and also spending $1000’s of dollars on creating a safer home environment for myself.

I've stayed with various friends at times since October of 2022, not wanting to be alone and even working from different locations, which impacted my work life.Prior to these crimes, I had rarely missed a day being at work and never felt the need to escape my home to another location because I HAD felt safe prior to these threats. 

People should not be able to commit crimes like this and get away with it - the hardest part for me going through this is the unbelief that these crazy things could happen. The emotional and financial impact will be felt for years to come. Though I am concerned that I will experience more harassment and stalking because I am sharing my story, I want others to know about me, what I have suffered and what my life is now compared to before these crimes and ongoing heinous acts being committed. One friend shared with me, the best payback is living my best life, which I've been determined to do and plan to use my experience to help others as the journey has been hard, but I believe that God always has a purpose for our pain. If sharing my story can help one person, then it’s made all of this worth the heartache and pain. 

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