Rise Above Poverty 2022 Fundraising Campaign
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Rise Above PovertyRise Above Poverty needs your help to keep our Reading Clinic going strong in 2022!
raised by 18 people
$10,000 goal
Welcome to our second annual virtual fundraiser
May 20 - 24
Last spring, our virtual fundraiser allowed us to continue offering free reading clinics for students in the Syracuse City School District. We have helped 31 students improve their reading and reading comprehension skills.
Will you help again this year?
This weekend, we are raising funds for the 2022 summer and fall clinics.
Direct costs for the reading clinic include the salary of the Educational Director, individualized learning software for each student, and classroom and student supplies.
"Millions of American children get to fourth grade without learning to read proficiently, and that puts them on the high school dropout track. The ability to read by third grade is critical to a child's success in school, life-long learning potential and their ability to contribute to the nation's economy and its security." (The Annie E Casey Foundation. “Early Warning! Why Reading by the End of the Third Grade Matters.” 2010)
Help us, help many Syracuse City students reach third-grade reading level!