Real Life Impact

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Connexion Ministries
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Teaching others to walk as Yeshua walked.


raised by 9 people

$24,000 goal

9 months left

Thanks for taking a moment to see what we're up to

For updates on Miguel's health, see THIS

It's been a challenging time with a lot of setbacks and a few solid gains. Miguel has temporarily suspended chemotherapy and is pressing on with a more wholistic approach in his fight against stage 4 colon cancer.

We have also had several donors drop off, which is totally understandable given the economic conditions in the States, etc. We are looking for 20 new donors at 50 dollars a month or a similar scenario to raise enough to keep the ministry going at its current level. Come this December, we will begin suffering a deficit that will impact our ability to reach the communities and serve the ones most in need. 

We will not be doing our annual food basket program this year-end, but we are looking to start off 2025 with with a heightened focus on rural communities with great need. 

Additionally, Ecuador has been experiencing a very serious drought which has resulted in electric cuts lasting as much as 14 hours or more daily. Some of these cuts are happening during business hours and are affecting small family owned stores, vegetable stands, tourism, etc. This is a hard financial hit, and we would like to be ready, as we have been in the past, to provide some immediate poverty relief over the next 2 months. 

These power cuts will end, but the financial plunge into poverty will take some time to recover from.

Please consider using this platform for a one-time gift or a recurring monthly donation.

We have been invited to share a community service space in town and are thankful for the opportunity. We will do three things there:

1. We are going to provide counseling for cancer patients and their families.

2. We will provide family counseling and couples counseling for those that are struggling in these areas.

3. We will be holding our Discipleship Group / Church meetings / Meals around a table with Bible teaching / in this intimate small space each regularly. The schedule will soon be determined.

Miguel has been out and about in surrounding communities street preaching and creating opportunities for conversations and new relationships. HE is currently mentoring 4 new young men, and it is a testimony to God's working in our midsts. 

Overall, the 'street ministry' has been going fairly well as he navigates treatment, exams, and other medical appointments.

Your prayers for his healing, strength, and his continued ability to 'mission'  well are greatly appreciated.

You all have helped us to do the kind of mission and relief work that is informed, long lasting, and non-toxic. We seek to create both opportunities for reciprocity, and a 'pay it forward' attitude. We do this while preserving human dignity and being a light to the nations. We believe that our multi-pronged approach to mission and poverty relief -- having done our homework in this field for nearly 20 years truly develops and serves those impacted by the constant pressures of injustice.

So many have asked how they can help us serve our local community better. We are honored and encouraged by your desire to come along side us in the effort. We have been using this fundraising platform for years, and it is safe, trusted, and we are able to access your donations easily. 

For certain, as we move in our current direction, we will encounter, as always, families in need. We are committed to helping those families in any way we can based on the resources available. If you'd like to contribute to helping those families, providing food, medicines, doctor visits, and the like, please use this platform towards that end. 

The work seems ever more challenging, but it is joyful. In order to extend the hope of God to all, which we believe is our calling, we depend, especially now, on one-time and recurring monthly donations.

We are honored to serve and are grateful to all those who make this possible by your consistent financial and prayer support.  

Thank you for your consideration.

Miguel, Lauren, and Kate 

Please take a moment now to join us in prayer for:

1. For our health and safety. The last two years have seen an uptick in violence, theft, and insecurity. It has also been particularly challenging for us as we do our best to take proper care of ourselves, eat right, and stay active, but your prayers are surely appreciated.

2.  For the ministry work in the communities of Olón, San Vicente de Loja, Montañita, and others.

3. That the Word of God would prevail in our midsts. 

If you are interested in coming and working with us directly, we'd be glad to have you. Let us know.

Giving Activity


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