Terrace Community Middle School
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Terrace Community Middle School$3,055
raised by 63 people
$20,000 goal
Terrace Community Middle School seeks to provide all students with a foundation of knowledge that will allow them to have successful academic careers. We believe that all children can learn and will rise to meet the high expectations of their parents and teachers, provided they have the tools to do so. We believe that self-esteem comes from meeting and overcoming challenges and from the confidence gained through the acquisition and mastery of skills. Therefore, we offer students the opportunity to be challenged by a rigorous, classic core curriculum taught in a planned progression by teachers who stress abundant practice and careful feedback.
As a charter school, TCMS pays for all expenses, including capital needs, repairs, improvements, technology, employee salaries and benefits and etc. While still providing a top-notch and high quality public school education for our students. Charter Schools, like TCMS receive State FEFP and Capital Outlay funding to operate our school, however these funds are inadequate and as a result, TCMS must rely heavily on fundraising in order to maintain a healthy budget, while still meeting the needs of our students. Our supporters and business partners have helped TCMS to become the #1 performing Middle School in Hillsborough County and #4 in the State of Florida.
Your generous donation sends a very clear message to our community that you support quality education in the Tampa Bay area.