Beth Franke Fundraiser for Travel to Hope

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Travel to Hope
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Please help me support Travel to Hope and help more cancer patients travel to treatment.


raised by 15 people

$2,500 goal

Since it started just two years ago, Travel to Hope has helped 190 patients from 24 states, funded over 1,700 trips to treatment and ensured that 19 patients could successfully complete treatment!

Travel to Hope is hoping to raise over $20,000 in this year's Give for Good Louisville event ... this would mean they could support over 200 more trips to treatment.  

As many of you know, I was the primary caregiver for my Mom who suffered from metastatic breast cancer for almost 4 years.  During that time, I was blessed to have taken her to over 200 doctor visits and treatments that were all within our local area.  

However, many cancer patients are not as fortunate and must travel across the state or across the country to receive the critical treatment they require.  And with the expense of travel and rising costs in general, some of these patients have to choose between putting food on the table or making rent vs. traveling for life-saving treatments.

I just cannot image the stress and anxiety that adds to patients already trying to navigate through complex cancer care. And that is why I am donating to Travel to Hope and personally asking you to join me.  

100% of your donation will go directly to fund cancer patient travel expenses.  

Help us reach our goal and give hope to more cancer patients by helping them afford to travel to the treatment they so desperately need!

This fundraiser supports

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Travel to Hope

Organized By Beth Franke

Giving Activity


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