Fingerpaint Presents Operation Lunch Lady

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Pack Shack

Operation Lunch Lady: Helping kids and families get served during summer break!


raised by 258 people

$16,000 goal

We did it, thanks to you!

Update posted 7 years ago

So much love and kindness has poured out of all of you toward
Fingerpaint's Operation Lunch Lady. There truly aren't enough words to express the gratitude and excitement we're all feeling as we're about to embark on this awesome effort with The Pack Shack to benefit our partners, The Food Pantries for The Capital District, Manna on Main Street and Foothills Food Bank. Thank you so much! Can't wait to share all the
excitement from today with you!

For thousands of kids, summer doesn’t just mean a vacation from school. Sadly, it means a vacation from the meals provided to them every day through free and reduced lunch programs during the school day. But kids can’t wait a whole summer for lunch. What to do?

Join Operation Lunch Lady.

See, we’re not ones to just sit back. If we don’t take action, who will? So we’re rolling up our sleeves and getting sloppy!

On Friday, June 29, every employee of Fingerpaint  will don an apron and a hairnet and spend a full day making meals for these kids, so they won’t have to spend their summer hungry.

You can help, too. Simply give what you can to help us reach our goal. You don’t even need a hairnet.

More info about our event:

Together with The Pack Shack, Fingerpaint will host Feed the Funnel Parties at all of our offices on Friday, June 29, where we'll pack nutritious meals for local food pantries in New York, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. We need the help of our friends, families, and partners to raise the funds necessary to provide more than 65,000 meals across the country. Fingerpaint is matching up to $15,000 in donations. 


This fundraiser supports

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The Pack Shack

Organized By Fingerpaint Marketing

Giving Activity



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