Kick Off The Ocean Walk 2021

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting


We are excited to kick off fundraising for our 2021 mega-event: The Ocean Walk -- with your help!


raised by 30 people

$25,000 goal


Update posted 4 years ago

We are so grateful to everyone who is donating to this campaign -- and to EverWalk as an organization. Thank you for considering us for your end-of-the-year donations for 2020. We know there are many worthy causes -- and we are grateful to be one of them. We look forward to walking with you in 2021!

EverWalk proudly presents THE OCEAN WALK • Sept 19-25, 2021

(an OceansCommit event hosted by EverWalk)

 Next September, we will take action to curb plastics pollution through our mega-event,
The Ocean Walk, 135 miles from Newport RI to Boston MA.

With both in-person walkers and virtual walkers all over the world,
(and swimmers are invited, too)
we intend to compile a powerful list of signatures from individuals and businesses,
committing to reduce their single-use plastic.

 On average, each of us produces 140 pounds of plastic yearly.
Much of that non-biodegradable waste winds up as 8 million tons of plastic in the world’s oceans. The projection of plastic in the ocean by 2040 is 600 million tons,
equivalent in weight to more than 3 million blue whales.
 Government and industry protocols are not enough.

We the People are going to save our majestic seas.

This December, we aim to raise the first 10%
needed to sponsor this international event.

Please donate whatever you can. 

Let’s WALK together. Let’s COMMIT together.


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