From Trauma to Triumph: Helping Youth Bounce Back!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Wellspring Counseling
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Join me in raising funds to provide accessible mental health care for our children!


raised by 18 people

$1,200 goal

Hi! As a therapist, I have seen firsthand the life-changing transformations that affordable mental health care can spark. 

That is why right now, I am going to invite you to recall a time when you were in need. Go on... travel there in your mind. (In fact, I will pause typing now and do it with you). I challenge you to really remember what it was like. Maybe you felt alone. Vulnerable. Helpless. Without hope. Maybe you still can feel the grief. The fear. The devastation. For me, I was overwhelmed with anxiety, terror, abandonment, and shame.

What happened next? Were you met with help? Did someone come alongside you and provide support? If that's not how your story ended, imagine what it might have been like for you if you were able to receive what you needed.

For me, it was found in a place where I was safe. Safe to feel. Process. Gain insight. Heal. Safe to release. Explore. Grow. Breathe. Safe to dream. A place where I was free to just be. In a world of judgment, opposition, comparison, hate…it seems near impossible to imagine such a place, and yet it exists. I personally found it through my own journey in therapy, and now I am committed to creating it for others. 

I dream of a community where children's struggles are met with compassion, intentionality, understanding, and a wealth of accessible mental health resources.  

I am calling on all the dreamers, believers, and change-makers out there: JOIN ME! Together, we can each do our part to ensure that healing, growth, and a brighter life are within every child's reach.  

This fundraiser supports

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Wellspring Counseling

Organized By Katy Milian

Giving Activity


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