Nutrition Works

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Jannus Inc
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Nutrition Works partners with child care providers to feed nutritious meals and instill healthy eating habits to children in their care.


raised by 4 people

$1,000 goal

"We are able to provide nutritious meals to low income families." 

"Reimbursement is a blessing. Feeding nutritious meals and snacks is what I want to do."

"I have learned so much and have changed the way I feed the children in my care. They eat healthier as much of what I make is homemade. Parents come and ask how do I fix a particular meal as their child wants it at home too."

These statements were made by Idaho child care providers who partner with Nutrition Works to participate in USDA's Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Our goals as a CACFP sponsor are:

  • To feed nutritious meals to children in child care.
  • To instill healthy eating habits at a young age.
  • To provide nutrition training and resources to child care providers.

Nutrition Works currently administers the CACFP to 175 child care sites throughout all of southern Idaho, providing reimbursement for more than 1.4 million meals and snacks served to more than 8,200 children last fiscal year--of which close to 2/3 qualify for "free" or "reduced" priced meals. 

These child care sites receive training on how to create menus of balanced, healthy, nutritious meals for infants and children. Studies show that children in CACFP receive meals that are nutritionally superior to those served to children in child care without CACFP.

At a time when obesity rates are a national concern, it is especially important to invest in nutrition and teaching healthy eating habits at a young age. Your donation allows Nutrition Works to supply additional resources, education, and outreach promoting a healthy childhood in the child care environment. Thank you for your commitment to child health and nutrition!

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