Nishmeta Deorayta
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Central Fund of IsraelThe Jewish world is in need of Rabbis, Educators that are infused with the secrets or Torah
raised by 1 people
$100,000 goal
The Jewish world is searching for answers and deeper meaning
There is a paradox today in the Jewish world:
On the one hand, there has been an unprecedented revolution There is more Torah being studied, more Jewish schools and kosher food than ever before.
- Israel has been reborn as the spiritual center of the Jewish world.
- It’s never been easier for Jews to live as Jews.
One would expect that it would be easier than ever to inspire Jews.
Unfortunately, that’s not the case….
The Jewish world is struggling with the fact that Jews are leaving their Judaism behind at unprecedented, alarming rates. Whether it's in the Yeshiva , Chassidic , Modern Orthodox, and the non-Orthodox community, everyone is asking the same question :
How do we inspire the next generation ?
Clearly, even with these great, revolutionary changes, something is missing.
Hundreds of years ago, the Vilna Gaon revealed a secret from the Zohar:
"The redemption is dependent on the study of Kabbalah"
( Vilna Gaon,Even Shleima)
Ironically both the Vilna Gaon and the Baal Shem Tov devoted most of their writings and teachings to Kabbalah.
Both expressed that neglecting the secrets of Torah for centuries has had a negative impact on the entire nation, creating a sense of dryness, a feeling of burden and lack of interest and happiness for many, many Jews.
Kabballah is the heart and soul of Torah, and Judaism.
Why is Kabbalah so important?
Rav Kook wrote a century ago
“My goal in everything that I write is to inspire the hearts of both younger and senior scholars to learn Pnimiut Hatorah .” (Rav Kook)
When Kabbalah is learned by our scholars it unlocks the deepest connection and fire of Torah and mitzvot and unleashes their inner fire. As a result, the world is blessed and the entire nation of Israel leaps forward in all aspects.
Today, the Jewish world is in need of rabbis, educators, and leaders that are infused with the wisdom and inspiration of the secrets of Torah, the heart and soul of Judaism.
Our goal is to develop pillars of light, Torah scholars infused with the secrets of Torah , who will breathe inner life and soul into the entire nation. Inspiring individuals and communities, and cultivating a deeper level of awareness, understanding and passion in their Torah observance
Stage I:
The establishment of a Central Beit Midrash for Rabbis, Educators and leaders in Jerusalem for the learning of Kabbalah
Stage II:
The creation of affiliated Batei Midrash for Rabbis, Educators and leaders for the learning of Kabbalah across the country.