Helping RV and low income families in need

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Reach Potential Movement
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raised by 13 people

$15,000 goal

As Shelter-in-place continues the impact on those in RV's that are already food-insecure and may have lost their income grows exponentially. If you'd like to make a difference, RPM is collecting food donations for ~125 families each week and needs help! All funds raised will be used to buy food over the next weeks to deliver directly to these families (from a safe social-distance of course).

  • $20 - provide essential groceries (beans, rice, fruit, tortillas, cereal, milk) for family of 4
  • $30 - provide laundry materials and load costs for one family
  • $50 - sponsor diapers and wipes for a baby for one month
  • $85 - provide shower, cell phone charging through a nights rest at hotel helping both the family and the hotel operator
  • $100 - sponsor a family for one month.
  • $500 - purchase to-go food and distribute to neighbors in need, helping both the neighbors and the restaurant

This fundraiser supports

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Reach Potential Movement

Organized By Brad Davis

Giving Activity


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