Miguel's Health, Recovery, and Ongoing Treatment

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Connexion Ministries
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This is where we'll post updates to Miguel's health, challenges, and needs. Thanks for checking in.


raised by 28 people

$14,500 goal

2 months left

Some Good News!

Update posted 2 days ago

          Greetings All,

Quick Health Update:

I recently had another CT and it was mostly clear! It wasn't NED (No Evidence of Disease) boo no bell, because there are a few suspicious lymph nodes, but we are so pleased.

To have a mostly clear scan at 2 years post diagnosis of stage IV colon cancer is just a bit shy of miraculous. It defies the odds and standard of care survival rates by a factor of 4!

You all have helped me to get where I am at today.

I have suspended chemo for a while and will have to double-down on our metabolic/naturopathic protocol. We believe that this protocol and your prayers and support in conjunction with The Almighty's intervention have blown away the statistics concerning life expectancy.

So, for now, I will get my tumor markers tested frequently, and take the mountain of supplements and off-label drugs like anti-fungals etc., and keep pursuing joy and peace and a healthy cancer fighting diet.

While this is all very good news, it's hitting our finances very hard.

Some examples:

Itracanazol, a critical antifungal that kills cancer, blocks its pathways to growth, and prevents metastases from forming costs 1.62 per tablet. I need 4 per day. That's 194.00 per month, and that's just one of the meds in my protocol.

All the uncovered meds, supplements, and tests combined are upwards of 1500.00 dollars per month.

If you'd like to help us out by covering a single medicine or supplement, shoot me a message and We'll give you the details.

If you would like to make a one-time donation or set up a recurring monthly gift towards ongoing expenses, we'd appreciate it greatly.

Thank so much to those of you who are literally keeping me alive with your generosity.

Lauren, Kate, and I are so very humbled by your giving.

Be blessed, and We'll update you all again very soon.

As many of you know, we've been through it this past 2+ years. Pain and discomfort, diagnosis, cancer detected, unbelievable insurance and medical bureaucracy to navigate, multiple surgeries, chemo, and recently a major 20 hour surgery which was supposed to be curative. 

There have been many challenges in and around all of these to include physical, mental, spiritual, and financial. It's been a tough road.

I am thankful for all of you that have donated generously to keeping me alive. I mean it. I have known several here who have passed because they couldn't afford to pay for treatment etc. 

Even with many donations, we are still accumulating debt.  Simply put, we can use an influx of new donations. If you are able to make a recurring monthly donation, great. If you can donate one time, awesome! If you cannot donate but can share these updates, we appreciate it greatly.

In any case, this platform is trusted and secure and we've been using it for a lot of years. You can trust that your donation will get to us safely and in a timely manner.

We Love you all.

Miguel, Lauren, and Kate.

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