Help Provide Meals with The Midwest Mavericks ⚾
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Ozarks Food HarvestEvery $5 donation will help provide 15 meals to hopeful families facing hunger in SW Missouri.
raised by 30 people
$4,000 goal
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For kids who count on school meal programs, summer break can mean three months of worry and hunger. Two out of 3 households with children served by our hunger-relief network receive free or reduced-price breakfasts and lunches at school. Without these school meals, many may go to bed hungry.
Ozarks Food Harvest works to end child hunger over the summer through our Summer Food Program, Mobile Food Pantry and our network of 270 community and faith-based charities.
Your support will help fill the gaps for children and families in need – children like nine-year-old Mac, who shared, “I am thankful for the food. It’s nice to have a full belly! It helps me grow big and strong.”