Support Mel the Missionary
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Bread of Life MissionsI'm following the Lord's lead in serving as a full-time missionary. Join me?
raised by 19 people
$40,000 goal
I believe the Lord has called me to serve His people through Bread of Life Mission, and I have the incredible opportunity to work alongside my Kenyan brothers and sisters as a full-time missionary. Because BOL is growing by leaps and bounds with exciting opportunities in the future, it is important that we not only have more people to serve overseas but also here in the States. That's where I come in!
Because I've been here since the beginning, I am uniquely qualified and blessed to step into the position of serving here in the States, so I'll be spending ~half of my time here in the US helping Bread of Life become all it can be and the other half in the field serving our missionaries and the people we minister to there - the best of both worlds!
Thank you so much for choosing to support me on a monthly basis and the work that God is doing through me! You're AWESOME!
To keep up with the adventures of Mel the Missionary, follow me on social media or my blog at