Mason for Ohio Journey of Hope
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Journey of Hope From Violence to Healing IncThere is no healing in violence. Only compassion and understanding can strengthen our communities.
raised by 57 people
$12,000 goal
The Journey of Hope... From Violence to Healing will be in Ohio from October 11 to October 20, 2019.
The Journey of Hope... From Violence to Healing is led by murder victims' family members who share their experiences as a way to convey to the public that the death penalty has nothing to do with the healing that murder victims need and deserve. The Ohio Journey is taking place at exactly the time when policy makers and the public are having serious discussions about this difficult issue. Journey speakers can help your community shape that conversation.
Journey "storytellers" come from all walks of life and represent the full spectrum and diversity of faith, color and economic situation. We recount our tragedies and struggles to heal as a way of opening dialogue on the death penalty in schools, colleges, churches and other venues, changing hearts and minds on a difficult issue.
Speakers include murder victim family members, the families of the executed and those on death row, exonerated death row survivors, legal experts, and retired corrections officials who have carried out executions and who now oppose the death penalty.
Your generous donation today will make the Ohio Journey of Hope possible, and will also enable the Journey, Ohioans to Stop Executions and the Ohio Council of Churches to carry on the work of educating and mobilizing the public until the job is done.
Because of your support, Ohio could soon become the 22nd state to abandon the death penalty. Please donate today and join us on the Journey in October.