Support for Artist Salaries

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Karlovsky & Company Dance
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Support the artists of Karlovsky & Company Dance!


raised by 7 people

$3,000 goal

Karlovsky & Company Dance continues to grow and that means our investment into the artists working with us continues to increase.  Our expanding projects has led to the increase of the number of artists working with us. This growth increases our budget needs to provide our company dancers with a monthly salary for their rehearsal time and performances.  

We currently employ 7 full company members who receive a monthly salary and 3 apprentice positions who receive compensations for each program/performance for which they participate. We plan to move these apprentices into full company status starting this July 1, 2024 and thereby increasing our need to build additional finances into our budget. All additional collaborators such as our musicians, narrators, visual artists, filmmakers, lighting designers, costume designers, etc. receive professional compensations for their work with the company. 

Currently 60% of our total operating expenses are allocated to our artists. Last season, we supported 71 artists in the St. Louis community.  We engaged 2,215 audiences members and participants through our concert performances, community performances, and outreach and educational programs. 

We thank you in advance, for making a contribution to Karlovsky & Company Dance to help us raise the funds needed to support our invaluable artists! 

Giving Activity


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