Lord Stanley & Princess Phoebe Are Getting Married

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Homeward Trails Animal Rescue Incorporated
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Celebrate with Lord Stanley & Princess Phoebe as they marry & pay it forward for homeless dogs!


raised by 38 people


Lord Stanley and Princess Phoebe came from different parts of the world, but fate brought them together in a love story made for the Hallmark channel. Or... the first Homeward Trails dog wedding.

Phoebe came from the mountains of rural Virginia where she grew up with only the worn collar around her neck and the crickets and wild bunnies her only friends. Her upbringing largely unknown, Phoebe had been looking for love in all the wrong places.     

Lord Stanley hailed from the "other side of the tracks" where he was intentionally brought into the world with a secured destiny that included Puppacinos, spa days and long naps by the fire. He didn't know it, but his destiny would also include a Princess whose heart he would steal and whose future he would seal.

After arriving in Arlington, VA via Homeward Trails, Phoebe found her human family and quickly settled into suburban life, complete with long walks, squeaky toys and a human they called a "trainer" to help her gain her confidence in this new world of hers.

And then their eyes met.....Princess Phoebe and Lord Stanley would first glimpse each other from across the street. Their "owners" lifelong friends, they hoped the two dogs from different worlds would get along. Never did they think they would fall in love.

And here we are, 3 years later. The two are absolute besties, peas in a pod, ying & yang, a true royal couple. And never once did they have to join Bumble or Match.com to find their mate. 

On Saturday, June 17th, 2023 they will make it official. They will wed. Because that's what humans do for their dogs. 

There will be a ceremony, a reception, some outfits and a lot of good cheer and (hopefully) monetary gifts offered in honor of their love to give other dogs like them a chance out of shelters and into the arms of love.

Please consider a donation in honor of Lord Stanley and Princess Phoebe to save the lives of other dogs. 

$1000 - Provides three months of care for a mother dog & her puppies including vaccines, food and supplies

$500 - Provides transport, neuter, vaccines and preventatives for two homeless dogs

$250 - Provides food, one month of  housing & training for a homeless dog

$100 - Provides a month of food for a litter of puppies 

$50 - Provides vaccines for a litter of puppies

$25 - Provides a collar, harness, leash & microchip for one dog


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