Giving Tuesday 2024: Lily's Veterinary Fund
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Lilys Legacy Senior Dog SanctuaryLily's Legacy Senior Dog Sanctuary rescues senior large-breed dogs in the San Francisco Bay Area.
raised by 40 people
$30,000 goal
On this Giving Tuesday 2024, we ask you, our family of Lily’s supporters, to find it in your hearts to donate. Our senior dogs all come with various medical needs, with many of them not having been to the vet in years. Even with receiving generous discounts from our veterinarians, our medical expenses are a major expense. Our average medical cost per dog is approximately $2,200 during their stay at Lily’s. On Giving Tuesday, please open your heart and make a 100% tax deductible donation to Lily's Legacy Senior Dog Sanctuary. With the generous support of our Lily’s community, we can provide these displaced senior dogs the medical care they need to regain their health and find their loving forever homes.