Giving Tuesday 2023: Lily's Veterinary Fund

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Lilys Legacy Senior Dog Sanctuary
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Lily's Legacy Senior Dog Sanctuary rescues senior large-breed dogs throughout California.


raised by 105 people

$25,000 goal

On this GIVING TUESDAY 2023, we ask YOU, our family of supporters, to find it in your hearts to donate. Because of YOU, our incoming dogs get the medical essentials they need to go forward. Our seniors all come with some degree of aches & pains. It's impossible to grow old without acquiring a few. TEAM LILY, because of YOU and your benevolent generosity we can provide these displaced dogs with a second chance at a forever home. Even receiving a generous discount, our medical expenses are enormous.  There is an approximate fee of $2,100.00 per dog upon intake. Many seniors we take have not been vetted in years. YOU can be the difference between aging gracefully or suffering because of lack of treatment. YOU, our loyal family, are the backbone of Lily's. On GIVING TUESDAY, please open your heart (and pocketbook) and make a 100% tax deductible donation to Lily's Legacy Senior Dog Sanctuary.

Thank you!

Team Lily

Giving Activity


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