Lemonade for Liza - Zest for Life w/ Brain Surgery

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A personal fundraiser by

Elizabeth Scott
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Making Lemonade for Liza as she heads to Boston Children's for multiple brain surgeries.


raised by 7,538 people

$75,000 goal

Liza's Lemonade Brain Surgery Survivor Fight 4 Life Continues!

Update posted 2 months ago

She is MIGHTY! This girl of mine (really His) is amazing, inspiring, and truly a blessing. And we're on a journey I certainly never imagined as she grew in my belly almost 12 years ago. But here we are, and it's not over yet.

So from the bottom of our hearts -- and for her purpose of God's for her life - thank you. Thank you for loving us, praying for us, thinking of us, blessing us, and accepting us. This journey is lonely, filled with heartache, one of brokenness, despair and devastation, and one in which no mother ever imagines she'll be navigating alone, but for the love, kindness, and grace of God and a very few other folks who've stuck around.

This girl needs you - your prayers, your love, your support, your kindness, you thoughtfulness, your encouragement, your mercy, your grace, and your assistance as you see fit. She's not picky, I promise. She just longs for 'normal' life - the life she deserves, the life every parent and mama wishes to give her child, the life we'd trade places with but for our baby's suffering.

We've a very long road ahead and in realizing that, I really try not to allow myself to think beyond the few days ahead of today, but that too is difficult. One day I do know though that I will wake up and all my worries, my foes, my grievances, my heartache, my desperation and despair, and my lonely walk as a mom to a medically divergent child, will have been fulfilled, for His being glorified in every way imaginable, and for the world seeing His miraculous healing and ways in my sweet Liza's life.

Until that day arrives, though, it would be selfish and prideful of me to suggest I can get through life alone - cause let's face it - I can't. For that, thank you - thank you for your love, thank you for your kindness, thank you all the ways in which you continue to love my sweet girl and our family -- THANK YOU!

Liza's got a re-launched Lemonade Stand campaign we'll be updating and hope you'll follow, share, pray, and support as you feel led!



In the wee hours of the morning Saturday, January 30, 2021, our lives and hearts were turned upside down when my sweet, sweet 7 year old, Liza suffered a Grand Mal seizure. We have learned in the last few weeks that Liza’s brain is extra special — created by God, made perfect in His image, beautiful in its intricacies. Neurologists and Neurosurgeons at Children's in Birmingham uncovered multiple cerebral malformations in Liza's brain that require immediate attention to prevent further seizure, possible bleeding or hemorrhage, or stroke. In most every instance of these rare malformations doctors only see one malformation -- in Liza's case she has 3 -- the first a Schizencephaly (or cleft) -- the second a Parietal Arteriovenous Malformation - or AVM (You and I think of it as an aneurysm, though it is actually a bit different and considered  a cerebral malformation for it's collection or tangle of blood vessels)  -- and lastly, a Dural Arteriovenous Fistula (DAVM) - or very rare vascular condition where abnormal connections (fistulas) are made between branches of arteries and veins.  


If there is anyone who can take lemons and make it to the most amazing Lemonade ever, it is Liza. Selling lemonade (and other special treats) is one of her favorite things to do. So much so I built her a Lemonade Stand so she could sell her sweet creations anytime she wanted outside our family bakery in Homewood, AL.  And sell she does, even giving it away for free just because she wants everyone to enjoy.


Liza's love for Lemonade has inspired this next journey as we travel to Boston Children's for the unimaginable -- multiple brain surgeries. From the start Liza has taken the lemons thrown her way and shown us all that adding a little Zest to life is what making Lemonade is all about.


This spunky, loving, fearless, bright, happy girl will undergo her first brain surgery at Boston Children's the week of March 8, 2021.  We will spend several week from home during each surgery, away from her 3 year old brother, family and friends, embarking on a journey we never saw coming.  And though the journey ahead is not paved with assurances, we find peace and comfort in knowing it is paved with the promises of God — His protection, His grace, His mercy, His forgiveness, and  His love.


As with any medical journey, the overwhelming additional expenses, time away from work, and additional resources needed to keep up with things at home is already piling up. The next year will require a tremendous commitment of our family, our business, and anyone who is willing to join in this journey with us. As a single mom to two amazing gifts from God, it is taking a village to care for Liza, my 3 year old little boy, Finnley, our puppy Millie, and our home. I find comfort in knowing that God always provides, and He is already moving mountains and showing me that He has us in the palm of His hand. I'm learning that it is okay to not be okay at times, that it's okay to ask for help, and that it's okay to share this journey with those who love Liza, love our family, love our bakery, and love God.


I'm asked all the time -- what can I do to help? And the answer I often give is -- I don't know. What I do know and what I believe though is this -- I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in miracles. I believe that God gives us grace to handle the heart wrenching times in life when we can’t see ahead to even the next morning coffee. I believe God heals. I believe that God allows the hard times in life to help others see His amazing love, protection and faithfulness. I believe God is glorified even in grief, heartache, sickness, and despair. And I believe — and know - that God is moving mountains around us, hears my cries for help, is my source of strength and peace during this season, radiating His goodness and His love by way of a beautiful little girl, made in His image, who doesn’t know a stranger, loves life, dances like a queen, and has defied all odds thus far.


And so now I invite you to join in Liza's journey to keep selling Lemonade outside our neighborhood bakery here in Homewood, Alabama, and support her journey as you feel led. Whether it be in stopping by Savage's to treat your friends and family to Smiley Face cookies, giving to her medical care and our family needs, shipping fresh baked sweet from Savage's to your colleagues and friends around the country, or praying fervently for our family, for Liza, and for a miracle, know all ways in which you feel led mean the world to us.


I'll be sharing from time to time as we travel, as Liza has surgeries, as we get home and back to work and invite you to follow along. Thank you for loving us, for praying for us, for just being present to see God's hand in Liza's life and in her journey.


So raise your glass of Lemonade high -- cause this little warrior girl is adding a little more zest to life each and every day!  

Follow Liza's Journey & stay in touch on my mom's FB page :: Her Crumbs His Cross

A personal fundraiser by

Elizabeth Scott

Elizabeth Scott

Use of Funds

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