Support Victims of Genocide in Yemen

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Yemen Aid Inc
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I made this to gather funds from people (not just Swifties) to help victims of war in Yemen.


raised by 30 people

$1,300 goal


Update posted 5 years ago

Hi. So. Lemme be serious for a second here. I feel really bad because I haven’t updated anyone on the numbers in awhile, or even promoted it: things have just been crazy in general what with life happening, though I still feel like that’s not an excuse since I’ve been active. I don’t know. Maybe it’s on me for biting off more than I could chew when I was in the midst of the semester ending, or maybe I’m just a clown for letting myself be overwhelmed and not prioritizing this at all, and I’m really sorry about that. I never wanted anyone to think that I was bullshitting, or this was fake, or anything — and even though no one has insinuated as much, I still feel like I have a major responsibility to update everyone.

Now for the good stuff.

All in all, we raised $620!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Though that’s just shy of reaching half of the goal I previously set of $1,300 by Taylor’s birthday, that’s still an amazing amount of money that will be directly aiding those in Yemen who need help the most. I can’t thank all of you enough: whether you donated or just shared the link, I feel SO happy with what was accomplished. I hope all of you do too, because there’s no way I could’ve raised as much without any of you deciding to help spread the world. 

With all of this being said, I’ve decided to extend the campaign until January 31st of next year — though it’s a tentative date I have in mind, I would love to see how much more we can raise in the next month. I was considering stopping the campaign altogether, but I just think that since we’re so close, it can definitely be done. (Plus, 31 is 13 backwards.)

I... honestly don’t know what else to say. I think I’m going to schedule retweets and queue posts so as to remind people that this is still ongoing, so if I’m busy/asleep/anything else, at least the word will still get out there somehow and hopefully people will still want to donate.

If you’ve read this far, thank you.

Love, Lexie. 💗

As some of you may or may not already know, the nation of Yemen has been involved in an ongoing civil war since 2015, which has resulted in a severe humanitarian crisis, as well as extreme famine. Meanwhile in America, superstar Taylor Swift has made recent headlines with her fight to regain her musical masters (first recordings of a song) from Big Machine Label Group head Scott Borchetta and Scooter Braun, whose holding company, Ithaca Holdings, purchased Big Machine with help from investment firm the Carlyle Group, which is a small shareholder in Braun's company. That's not all, though: the Carlyle Group is also known for funding private military contractors who produce jets made in Saudi Arabia - also known as the same jets bombing Yemen and contributing to genocide. Because of me discovering this, I've decided to ask for donations to benefit the Yemeni people currently affected by the civil war, because I know that a lot of people feel rather helpless and like they can't do much to help Taylor's situation.

Donations from this fundraiser will go directly to Yemen Aid, an organization focusing on providing humanitarian resources and assistance to the Yemeni people, regardless of their racial, political, ancestral or religious backgrounds.

Established in 2016 by Yemeni-Americans, Yemen Aid came to be out of a pursuit to aid and support the Yemeni people, as well as to put an end to its current humanitarian crisis.

For now, I'm setting a tentative goal of $1,300 to be raised by Taylor's birthday (December 13th), but if anything changes, I will be sure to keep people informed, as I might keep this fundraiser going until Taylor gets her masters back.

Any amount makes a difference, no matter how much, so please feel free to donate whatever you can and spread the word so we can make a difference and reach our goal! Thank you.

This fundraiser supports

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Yemen Aid Inc

Organized By Lexie D

Giving Activity


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