Katherine Bullock fundraising for #KAEE2021
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Kentucky Association for Environmental EducationHelp us reach our goal of connecting more learners and educators to the natural world! #KAEE2021
raised by 6 people
When we tug at a single thing in nature, we find attached to it the rest of the world.
-John Muir
Imagine with us for a moment won't you? At KAEE we imagine, and work hard to create, a world where children, educators, and adults are continuously engaged in environmental education and feel more connected to the natural world and their communities. We strive to help learners make these connections and build environmental stewards through providing hands-on, immersive environmental education resources, training and networks.
Our environmental education initiatives and outdoor learning programs provide Kentuckians with meaningful ways to connect with nature and each other. These environmental connections then lead learners toward making healthy and environmentally friendly decisions for our shared future.
Learn more about KAEE here: www.KAEE.org
Won't you join me in supporting the work of KAEE and our role in facilitating environmental education, connections to nature, and a deep love for our shared habitat?
This fundraiser supports
Kentucky Association for Environmental Education
Organized By Katherine Bullock