John Pacenti and Non-Profit Journalism

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Miami Fourth Estate
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Local news is in trouble. Help us hire reporters to cover the news in South Florida


raised by 2 people

$100,000 goal

Democracy depends on good journalism, but journalism is in crisis. This is especially true at the local level. Thousands of news industry jobs have disappeared, meaning many critical community issues are simply not covered at all. The news vacuum -- or news desert -- creates an environment where misinformation or even disinformation spreads on various social media platforms. Our vision aims at building sustainable hyperlocal news that serves the community.  Donor dollars will go directly into supporting quality local journalism.

Our Current Programs include:

KEY BISCAYNE INDEPENDENT An online nonprofit newspaper serving Key Biscayne and vicinity, with a focus on environmental reporting and Biscayne Bay.

ANTI-SOCIAL RADIO & PODCAST The Anti-Social program is a public-affairs show that takes trending topics on social media and applies an antidote of facts (and a bit of occasional humor). We focus on local issues but we sometimes take on national topics.

STUDENT REPORTING PROJECT We are partnering with local schools and students to foster a new generation of journalists that will contribute fact-based and impactful local stories to be published on our digital platforms.

Our plan is to expand, establishing sister news outlets, especially in historically underserved areas.

This fundraiser supports

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Miami Fourth Estate

Organized By John Pacenti

Giving Activity


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