Jennifer & Steven Bruce | MEXICO 2024

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Oak Pointe Church Missions
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Join us as we serve God's children in Ensenada, Mexico!


raised by 26 people

$6,700 goal

Team participant

MEXICO, ENSENADA            

July 21- July 27, 2024

Purpose: Provide compassion to immigrant communities in the Baja Peninsula through construction of houses, education and community care.

Description: Teams will Partner with Baja Bound to

⮚      Construct a home for a migrant family in need.

⮚      Support Baja Bound through serving and loving children of local orphanages. 

⮚      Provide nutrition to children through a daily feeding program.

⮚      Assist the Baja Educational initiatives.

Please note: any overages in funding will be allocated to other team expenses or team members' individual funds, and any amounts past that will be added to the chruch's general missions fund.

This summer we have the opportunity to partner with Oak Pointe Church and Baja Bound to assist families in Ensenada, Mexico.

Baja Bound is an organization that seeks to meet the needs of immigrant communities that have traveled north to work in the agricultural fields of Baja. They build homes quickly and affordably for these families that have left everything behind in hopes of a better life, but who now lack resources and safe shelter. Last year Baja Bound built over 100 homes with the help of churches and other groups!

Our group’s goal is to build houses for at least two of these impoverished families in need over the span of a week. We will also take time to serve senior citizens and the children at the local orphanage, and we will be sharing God’s love and good news with others during this project through our actions and stories. We are excited to be a part of this!

Jesus gives us a clear example of the importance of both sharing the good news and meeting physical needs:

“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues,

preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease

among the people. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion

for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then

He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.

Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” 

Matthew 9:35-38

This summary of the ministry of Jesus shows how he went to the overlooked people in the villages, taught people, shared good news, healed diseases, showed compassion, and was a “shepherd” to the people who were weary. He actively challenges others to follow in His example, even today. We’d like to ask you to partner with us as we respond to His call.

Our first request is that you would support us during this trip through prayer. We are asking specifically for prayer for safety during our travels, that we would be able to accomplish what we set out to do, and the hearts of others (and our own) would be open to Jesus’ love. 

It would really warm our hearts to know that so many of our friends and family will be keeping us in their thoughts and prayers.

Additionally, our involvement in the trip includes responsibility for some of the fundraising. We’d like to ask if you’d be willing to partner with us financially, through a gift of any amount.

God is the one who provides, and while he often uses the generosity of individuals to accomplish his plans “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Please feel no obligation, but if you are willing to help support our trip, please use the button above to donate online, with our sincere thanks!

Thank you again for considering being a part of this ministry with us! We appreciate you and your support as we join Oakpointe Church and Baja Bound in their mission for those in need.

Much love,

Steven & Jennifer Bruce

This fundraiser supports

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Oak Pointe Church Missions

Organized By Jennifer Bruce

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