Jared S - People affected by substance abuse

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
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“When you can stop, you don’t want to. And when you want to stop, you can’t. That’s addiction.”-Anon

15 donors

raised $4,020

30 donor goal

Welcome to my MightyCause page!

My name is Jared Saal, and I’m a part of the Jewish Teen Foundation (JTF). JTF is a program of the Jewish Community Federation that trains teens to thoughtfully allocate grants to high-impact non-profit organizations, both Jewish and secular. I believe that all humans should help one another, and JTF provides me with the place to do this. Through JTF, I've discovered the importance of philanthropy and how to have an impact on communities in need, an invaluable lesson I hope to carry with me throughout my life.

This year, our board is focusing on supporting people struggling with addiction. Our mission is: The Jewish Teen Foundation South Board is committed to supporting those affected by substance addiction through organizations/initiatives that provide education and rehabilitation services to create and sustain positive change for individuals and families.

Addiction doesn't discriminate. Anyone, no matter the background or situation can become a substance abuser.  This is a mental health issue and illness.  No one is immune. Controlled substances can have detrimental effects on the rest of one's life, and can cause serious damage especially if used by children. 

Treating addiction is a long process, usually taking a whole lifetime. Addiction is a condition that affects people for their entire lives, and therefore requires constant care (although not in equal amounts over time). 

Synthetic drugs are becoming more popular. The most well-known is fentanyl, a synthetic opioid largely responsible for the recent rapid spike in opioid overdose fatalities. They are on the rise, and deadly, increasing greatly over the last few years. 

In 2022, 73,654 people died from a fentanyl overdose in the US, more than double the amount of deaths from three years prior in 2019.

California has the highest annual overdose deaths of any state sitting at over 6,000. 

Look at the increase in synthetic drug deaths:

Fentanyl-Associated Overdose Deaths Outside the Hospital | NEJM

No one should feel self-harm is the only way to handle or control their life, let's get everyone the support they need to thrive! Please donate today! Any amount is helpful, and all contributions are tax-deductible. 

Thank you for reading my page and for your kind donation!

Please contact me at jaredmsaal@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to learn more.





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