Holmes & Griffeth Fall Fundraiser to Fight Hunger
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Ozarks Food HarvestEvery $5 donation will help provide 20 meals to hardworking and hopeful families facing hunger.
raised by 24 people
$1,000 goal
In the Ozarks 1 out of every 5 children and 1 out of every 6 adults are food insecure, meaning they do not know where their next meal will come from or when it will come. This is why compassionate partners like you are so valuable to our mission of Transforming Hunger into Hope, thank you!
Your donation could be the difference between a deserving family having food on the table this holiday season or not.
In the coming weeks, Ozarks Food Harvest will distribute food to 270 pantries and programs in 28 counties across the Ozarks. Day in and day out, these hunger-relief partners help put meals on the table for more than 30,000 children, families and seniors each week.
Holmes & Griffeth Financial Planners have helped to provide over 21,000 meals since 2011, by donating today you are helping them continue their tradition of Transforming Hunger into Hope!