Sara Holland - Come before Winter
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Come before WinterMy goal is to raise $2500 this year in honor of Come before Winter's 20th anniversary in 2021.
raised by 8 people
$2,500 goal
Hello, friends and family!
As most of you know, Come before Winter was not able to host any in-person renewals in 2021. However, what we were able to do was offer 12 online classes to our former participants around the world and host our first ever virtual renewal! While these things won't replace renewals moving forward, they do offer another way to further our mission to renew, equip, honor, and unite women and men in ministry around the world.
My goal is to raise $2500 this year towards the ongoing costs of the ministry. Would you consider donating to help me reach my goal? Donations given starting on GivingTuesday will be matched so your impact is doubled!
Thank you for your continued support of me and of Come before Winter over the last 20 years. We don't know what 2022 will bring, but we are continually awed by the ways God is moving and working around and through us!