Garden Green Giants
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Missouri Botanical Garden EarthWays CenterFocusing on the Garden's sustainability initiatives in the St. Louis community
raised by 16 people
$1,750 goal
The Garden Green Giants campaign represents a network of giving formed through the Sustainability Committee of the Missouri Botanical Garden Corporate Council.
The Corporate Council was established in 2008 and is comprised of representatives from the Garden’s Corporate Partner membership group of companies. The Council’s role is to identify new ways in which the Garden and its Corporate Partners can work together to enhance its membership benefits and expand its outreach to new audiences.
From the beginning, community-focused sustainability initiatives have been one of the Council's focus areas. The Sustainability Committee in particular works closely with the Garden's Sustainability Division, including EarthWays Center, to promote resource management, urban biodiversity, and improving the built environment to create healthy communities for our businesses, employees, and neighbors.