Help Cooper Build a Better World
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Builders Beyond BordersSupports my 4th year with B3, building for those less fortunate in a remote village in Costa Rica.
raised by 10 people
$3,500 goal
8 days left
This will be my 4th year with B3, and we will travel over the February break for 8 days to help with building projects in an impoverished village in Costa Rica.
B3 is a non-profit organization that engages high schools students in local and global community service projects. During the fall, we work on service projects within our community, and then we travel to South America to support areas that are less fortunate than us. One year, we helped to build classrooms and a multi-family home that was destroyed in an earthquake. Another year, we built an aquaculture tank system for the village to raise and sell fish, but also to eat and address their generational protein-deficiency challenge. For my most recent trip (Feb 2024), we helped build a septic system for a village, which also provided them a clean place to wash their hands.
Your tax-deductible donation will help us fund our upcoming project in Costa Rica. Thank you in advance for your support.