Fight cancer 2 chance to live, recovery life

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A personal fundraiser by

Filipe Pinto

Oncological disease, with organ removal, depression, hormonal changes, hemophilia, lungs, bones


raised by 0 people

$15,000 goal

Hello, it is with a huge feeling of impotence, shame that I humbly come to ask for help from all the benefactors. In a time of world crisis, where much and many have changed. And simply for your reading and for your time, I thank you, because you are already part of me!

I start by introducing myself and talking a little about what I was, what I am and what I need to live, taking advantage of what God, destiny and science have in store for me.

I am 39 years old, hemophiliac, asthmatic, in degenerative action of the ankles, hips, spine. Until about 5 years ago, I had a stable life, work, a micro insurance mediation company, a family. Even with a small inguinal nodule that they called a hydrocele, nothing very special, which with a small surgery would be enough to regain quality of life. As expected, in the Portuguese SNS, time and more time, until resorting to the private sector, another possibility arises. In about 15 days, the first surgery was performed. And so gravity was unknown until then and to what extent things would stall. With the piece removed, it goes on to analyze and just over 3 days, called to the hospital where the kind offer to enter the field of chemotherapy and others appears. The world collapsed, for me and when I saw the suffering mirrored in the faces of my little girl, wife, mother and grandmother, that the fear of death was less heavy for them, exactly the same way we go to bed for a surgery we give that "see you soon" where everyone plays strong, but in reality, we fear that feeling of immense love can be one until never! It's a sensation, a fear that I abhor. And the saga of recovery began and I quickly tried to work, so that nothing was lacking for anyone, I managed to get a week!!! Until the forces and effects took hold of me, vomiting, the head, walking around, teeth breaking until I had half a dozen, nodules in the spine, and what I call "5 minutes", that is, whatever it is, there is a headache, a lack of strength, a fog, a "crap in my mouth! and wherever I am is where I fall. A "chic" syndrome that few know what it is, let alone how to treat it. these impediments, the accountant who had in the closed company, left and did nothing, causing a panoply of defaults, not closing, and as if that were not enough, by the code of the illustrious, he could not find another to meet the obligations even though he was unable, not even management resignation.

But the problems do not supply and I get a declared disability. After the period of sick leave, with no recourse to continue treatment, the need arises to carry out an immunological treatment in the United States. Without resources, without assets, with debts due to third parties, with the unemployed wife finishing the extra covid. At risk of being under the bridge and a widow with a little one.

I come before you, asking for what you can and want to help, thanking you with tears for your reading. May this outburst reach God's ears.

A huge good act

A big thank you.

PS: It is regretful and extremely sad, that with the misfortune, with the urgency, with the difficulties and the hope of those who need it, fraudsters still dress up, hoping to extort, transfer fees, sales of marketing campaigns and other pretexts, to take away, those who are asking needing the help of others. People worldwide.

A big thank you, to the, givers, to the gods, fearing God and your heart. Shame on you, crooks!

A personal fundraiser by

Filipe Pinto

Filipe Pinto

Giving Activity


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