We Are Germantown 2015
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Germantown United Community Development Corp.
Move Germantown forward. Join Germantown United CDC on our campaign to raise $40,000.
raised by 63 people
$40,000 goal
Germantown United Community Development Corporation's (GUCDC) mission is to promote and facilitate the revitalization of the business district in Northwest Philadelphia's Germantown neighborhood through a sustainable, creative, and community-driven approach to economic development.
We’ve got an exciting slate of community-building initiatives in-progress and planned for 2016, all aimed at moving Germantown forward. Join us on our annual campaign to raise $40,000.
Get involved.
Make a contribution.
Move Germantown forward.
For a glimpse of what's to come check out our list of 10 Things To Get Excited About In Germantown below. We’ll share details about each item on GU’s agenda on germantownunitedcdc.org and in our e-newsletter over the next few weeks (hint: sign-up!).
Signup for our mailing list and join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to follow along!
10 Things To Get Excited About In Germantown
1. Building a neighborhood website and online business directory for everyone, launching in Winter 2016
2. Bringing resources to Germantown businesses and entrepreneurs through GU’s free bimonthly Business Info Session series (ongoing)
3. Inspiring civic engagement and innovation through the Fund for Germantown, which has distributed $9,300 to support 17 community-driven projects (ongoing)
4. Growing the business corridor and supporting local businesses interested in making storefront improvements and interior upgrades by connecting them to city funding (ongoing)
5. Beautifying the business district with tree plantings, decorative plantings and flowers, and maintenance (watering service!), with more greening to come in Spring 2016
6. Planning for the future of Germantown, working with peer organizations to raise funds for a comprehensive neighborhood plan (ongoing)
7. Strengthening our community by throwing Germantown’s biggest street festival ever, coming in Spring 2016
8. Telling our story on Germantown’s new low-power FM radio station – GU will have 10 hours of programming each week to talk about the business community, urban planning and design (launching soon)
9. Investing in low-cost, high-impact improvements with the Storefront Activation Program – lookout for fresh window displays on Germantown Ave and Chelten Ave (Fall 2015)
10. Advocating for implementation funds for improvements to public spaces and neighborhood amenities (ongoing)
Visit germantownunitedcdc.org to learn more.