25 Years with Director Frederick Binkholder!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Capitol Hill Chorale
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Honoring Artistic Director Frederick Binkholder's 25th Year with the Capitol Hill Chorale


raised by 88 people

$35,000 goal

The 2024-2025 season marks Artistic Director Frederick Binkholder's 25th year with the Capitol Hill Chorale. 

A St. Louis native, Frederick came to Washington from Atlanta, where he was on the choral faculty of Georgia State University. Since his first concert as Director in 2000, his programming flair and artistic interpretations have earned the Chorale glowing reviews from critics and audiences alike. In 2018, the Chorale received Chorus America’s Alice Parker Award, which recognizes “programming of significant recently composed music that expands the mission of the chorus and challenges its audience in a new way.”

Frederick jokes to his singers that the day that he no longer pushes them to reach their maximum musical potential is the day they should start searching for a new director. Fortunately, the Chorale has already benefitted from 25 years of Frederick's pursuit of excellence, and they are grateful for his drive, leadership, and humor in every rehearsal and concert. He challenges them musically through diverse repertoire and constantly seeks meaningful musical interpretation.

Your gift this December in honor of Frederick will ensure that the Chorale can continue to grow under his talented leadership for years to come, for we are certain that Frederick Binkholder is incapable of letting the Chorale—and our whole community—settle for less than our potential. Cheers to Fred and to you! Thank you for your generosity.

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