Performing in the Scottish Fringe Festival

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Youth Theatre at the U
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raised by 4 people

$8,870 goal

Team participant

Youth Theatre Conservatory is raising money to take their original musical called DEATH OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER, to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland.

This festival is the largest theatre festival in the world hosting close to 40,000 performances each year.

Our students have had to come up with thousands of dollars in out of pocket costs to make this dream trip a reality. They have been selling baked goods, hosting workshops, and more. They only have approximately another $8,000 to $9,000 to go before the full cost of the trip can be covered.

The play these students have spent the last 6 months writing is about guns. It explores how their high schools have become scenes of violence and how that shared experience will define their young generation. They have the opportunity to perform this show 3 times during their time in Scotland.

Other highlights of this trip include seeing a show at the Old Globe Theatre and participating in a workshop with actors at the theatre, walking tours, and performing and attending Fringe Festival shows.

Many of our students are already on financial scholarships. They juggle work and school and still find time to make this group a priority. It's because of their incredible drive and dedication that they have won national awards and competitions.

We would love any support to help our young members participate in this incredible opportunity.

This fundraiser supports

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Youth Theatre at the U

Organized By Riley Hackford-Peer 🐠🐠🐠

Giving Activity


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