Sponsor a girl for FAM
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
SG United FoundationOur free mentorship program hopes to serve 200 youth girls for 2021-2022. Sponsor a girl today!
raised by 11 people
$15,000 goal
At Strong Girls United, mentorship is one of the most powerful aspects of our programming— it can change our girls’ lives. 1 in 3 young people will grow up without a mentor. Young adults who face an opportunity gap but have a mentor are 55% more likely to be enrolled in college than those who did not have a mentor (The Mentoring Effect, 2014). Evidence suggests a positive relationship between physical activity and sports and a host of long term physical and mental health benefits for girls.
This is why we’ve created our free 1:1 mentorship program: to give girls access to the role models they need to succeed.
Our “FAM” (Female Athlete Mentorship) is currently serving 250 girls and young women nationwide ranging from age 5 to 26. In FAM, elementary and middle school girls are matched with a college or professional female athlete who is trained and supported by SGU Executive Director Lani Silversides and her team for virtual meet-ups, in which they practice mindfulness, physical activity and mental skills.
Meet-ups typically occur on a weekly or biweekly basis, as determined by the mentor and the mentee families. Given the overwhelmingly positive response from both mentors and mentee families, our goal is to expand the program to positively impact MORE girls. We believe these relationships can have a long lasting impact on both the girls and their mentors! Imagine being a young girl getting to talk to a college female athlete throughout the year? A student-athlete mentor realizing the positive impact she can have on a young girl? This is a game changer.
We need your help! $150 will sponsor a mentor/mentee match for the entire school year!
Please consider donating and sponsoring a FAM match so we can continue to bring our unique multigenerational programming to more young girls and young women.
You can watch this video to learn more:
More research informing our “whys” can be found at: https://sgunitedfoundation.org/fam-research/