Painful Ears Covered in Scabs and Growths
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Homeward Trails Animal Rescue IncorporatedErnie has painful ears with mysterious growths. He needs a vet but his fundraising goal must be met!
raised by 20 people
$1,350 goal
Ernie was found roaming a campground. He was an outdoor cat, but he was in rough shape. He was dirty and covered in fleas. He was taken in by a good Samaritan who made sure Ernie found the help he needed. Now he is with Homeward Trails, and we want to give him a clean bill of health. But first, that means we have to figure out what is going on with his poor ears!
Ernie's ears after his vet had cleaned them up.
Ernie's ears were clearly painful, covered in scabs. Right away, we started him on a strict regimen of external and internal ear washes, a medicated ointment 2-3 times a day, and a transdermal medication in both ears about twice a week. However, his vet is especially concerns about the growth on Ernie's right ear flap. To know what we're really dealing with, we'll need a skin biopsy. Biopsy results will give us the information we need to treat the growth effectively, and get Ernie back to health as fast as possible.
Unfortunately, due to limited resources, we cannot schedule Ernie's vet visit and biopsy until his fundraising goal has been met! Until then, we will wait and provide whatever palliative care we can. But that will only work for so long--we need your help to get Ernie to the vet as soon as possible!
Growth on right ear flap.