Wildlife Refuge Environmental Education
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
San Francisco Bay Wildlife SocietyRefuge Environmental Education & Restoration Efforts: you can make a difference!
raised by 2 people
$5,000 goal
- Above photo: Refuge Staff leading a shorebird activity with Salinas Youth by T F Figueroa
Formed in 1973, within 367 acres, the Salinas River National Wildlife Refuge has six habitat types: Beach, dunes, salt marsh, saline ponds, Salinas River/lagoon, and grasslands. Located south of Moss Landing, it protects several threatened and endangered species, including Western snowy plover, Smith’s blue butterfly, and Monterey spineflower.
The San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society hopes to support environmental education and restoration efforts at all of our Refuges. Help us share the value of National Wildlife Refuges with local communities and youth, and support restoration efforts, public outreach, and education about the importance of wilderness habitat preservation.
Miguel Marquez with Castroville youth,
by TF Figueroa