Michaella Wood

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Amirah, Inc.
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I will be walking two miles daily to raise money for the restoration of human trafficking survivors.


raised by 1 people

$100 goal

Team participant

What is Move for Amirah?


Move for Amirah is a national fundraising event in which individuals or teams "Move" on behalf of survivors of trafficking and exploitation. Recovering from trafficking and exploitation is hard, like swimming the English Channel or running a marathon. We "Move" in solidarity with these women. Join this year's Move for Amirah to call attention to their courage and raise funds for their recovery journey!

Why should I Move?

Trafficking and exploitation is an enormous issue that cannot be faced alone. When a community of people step up and move to support survivors, we find strength in numbers. We create new possibilities!

Did you know that less than 1% of trafficking victims ever exit exploitation?

The primary reason is that there is a severe lack of “exit ramps” – opportunities for the exploited to get away from their traffickers. Amirah is that exit ramp! When you support Amirah, you support a woman’s recovery process to regain her life. Soon, that 1% will be a tragic figure from a distant past.

What would my Move look like?


Your "Move" can be anything (biking, running, swimming, climbing, etc - we've even had people go sky-diving for Move for Amirah)! Whatever it is, it should be physically challenging for you and should be completed during the Move for Amirah week (June 16-25th). In the past, we've seen a wide range of difficulty, from someone pulling their entire body weight on a backward sled for 12 miles (to represent the first year of recovery) to a woman with physical limitations advanced in age pushing a walker up and down the hallways of her nursing home. Whatever you do, keep the women and their courage in mind. 

This fundraiser supports

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Amirah, Inc.

Organized By Michaella Wood

Giving Activity



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