Dorchester Food Co-op

Organization Image

A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Cooperative Fund of the Northeast, Inc.
Fundraiser image

Cooperation is our approach, justice is our goal!


raised by 69 people

$20,000 goal


The Mission of the DORCHESTER FOOD CO-OP is:  to challenge the traditional food system by building a community and worker-owned asset that nourishes, employs, and reinvests in the local community.  

Thank you for being an important part of the local food movement ~

  • 900 + members and growing
  • Breaking ground and Capital Campaign in 2021
  • See new store design and more details at

We’re grateful to you for believing in the power of cooperation to build community wealth and provide fresh, healthy food for all.  Giving to Dorchester Food Co-op today helps meet this mission. Together, we will build an asset that is truly of, by, and for the community. And best of all, we will OWN it, building financial strength for the co-op and the community for decades to come.  We’re glad you’re with us.


Matching gifts are when companies match the donations their employees make. This means that you can double your impact after you give to Dorchester Food Co-op just by requesting a matching gift from your employer. Companies usually match donations at a 1:1 ratio, but some match at a 2:1, 3:1, or even a 4:1 ratio!  Please check with your employer or HR department for details. If they provide a matching gift claim form, please complete it and send it to: Dorchester Food Co-op, PO Box 240231, Dorchester, MA 02124.  


This effort is part of a collaboration between Cooperative Fund of New England (CFNE) and the Neighboring Food Co-op Association (NFCA) to build a more just, sustainable and resilient food system in our region. 

Giving Activity



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