Service Dog for Decker

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

4 Paws for Ability Inc
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We need your support to reach our goal for Decker's service dog coming Spring 2020!


raised by 104 people

$17,000 goal

Decker is our first born daughter, of four girls. She will be 5 years old in October, and that is so hard to believe! Rewind 5 years.....

Moments after Decker was born, Ed and I took one look at our beautiful baby girl, and knew that she had Down syndrome. I can literally remember Ed’s exact words to the nurse, and my exact thoughts in that moment. I can see her sweet, chunky cheeks, and I can see the shock on the nurses, and doctors faces. No joy was taken from Ed and I in that moment, we were already 100% in love with her! 

After we “officially” had a diagnosis, a few hours after she was born, we continued to process the news, and went straight to making sure she was healthy. She was! Thank you Lord! She was a super healthy baby, and still, one of the healthiest kids I know. Decker and Ed formed an undeniable bond from the first moments, and it’s only gotten deeper since. That girl loves her Daddy, and I have NO words for the love he feels for her. 

Those first weeks and months, I would research for hours in the middle of the night, while I was up feeding and pumping. We felt very uneducated and behind on what was important to know about raising a child with special needs. Late one night, I came across a link about service dogs, the research, and the testimonies from the families. It was so touching, and gave me such hope! I knew right then!

If you don’t know, Decker started therapy at 4 months, and had 3-4 therapies a week, minimum. Not to mention, other Doctor’s appointments, weekly visits from our Early Interventionist and our Knox County Case Worker. This is not me complaining! These therapies were a necessity, and helped Decker and me more than I could have ever imagined. I met some of my most favorite people through these therapies and will forever be grateful for how much they loved her,  and still do! This is a little snapshot into how hard this kid has had to work to accomplish milestones and tasks that we literally develop in our sleep. She has been working her tail off since day #1, with nothing but a smile on her face, and determination like you wouldn't believe! 

If I’m being honest, the first 3 years of Decker’s life were extremely typical. We had playgroups with friends, and she attended a regular Sunday School class, birthday parties, and even started a typical preschool at 2 years old to gain some exposure and learn how to follow the routine of a structured setting. We didn’t really feel like we had a kid with Down syndrome, and then she turned 3! It wasn't so much that she turned 3 years old, as it was that all of her friends and every other kid in her class turned 3. If you’re a mom or are familiar with child development, from 2.5 - 3 years old is like a year and a half of development in six months! Developmentally, this is the first time we noticed Decker falling behind her peers.

Decker has been in a Developmental Preschool, and in a "Blended" class setting (50% typical, and 50% special needs kiddos) for the past 2.5 years. She has made so much progress, and we see more and more growth every day. We are so proud! However, Decker is still developmentally about 2 years old, in a 5 year old's body. This presents daily challenges, and is where we feel like a service dog will be such blessing and such a healthy opportunity for her.

Through the interview process with 4 Paws (lengthy and thorough), we talked a lot about Decker’s personality, our safety concerns, where she is developmentally, our goals, and the tasks that increase her self confidence, and independence at home and in public, and how the service dog could benefit her in all of those areas. Together, we have come up with an plan, and specific tasks for her service dog. 

For example, in public, we still do A LOT of carrying Decker. It’s a must to keep her safe, and to keep up with her 3 year old, triplet sisters. To help give her more independence, we will use a tethered approach with her service dog. Me, Decker, and the service dog will work as a 3-party team. She will have the independent feel of “walking her dog,” and walking independently, like a typical 5 year old, but they will both be connected/tethered to me at the same time, allowing me ultimate control to help when needed.  Decker will be responsible for walking, feeding, helping with bathing and grooming her dog. These are things she will need assistance with in the beginning, but will be able to do all by herself with time. Again, I know that these tasks don’t seem like a big deal, but these are BIG THINGS in our world. 

The other benefits include helping manage her impulsive behaviors, and channeling her energy in a healthy ways. Studies have shown these animals provide a “calm” for these kids, and help with organization of thoughts, and emotions that are sometimes hard to manage.

We are over the moon about this opportunity for our family! Thank you so 

much for your support! Check out for more info!



Ed, Becca, DECKER, Barrett, Sutton, & Bailey

This fundraiser supports

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4 Paws for Ability Inc

Organized By Becca Stone

Giving Activity


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